In the following example, all three keyword parameters have default values, and all three use the same name for the keyword and the parameter. Type parameter tkey has the same name as the type parameter from outer type common. Methods with the same name in a class are called overloaded methods. By the way there are a few questions about this topic. Since the methods type parameter is not necessarily the same as the classs type parameter, you cannot give them both the same name. Type parameter t has the same name as the type parameter from outer type tree well, of course its the same name, they should be the same type. Overloading and overriding wikibooks, open books for an. The arguments must be compatible with the parameter type, but the argument name, if one is used in the calling code, does not have to be the same as the parameter named defined in the method.
Java allows a function to have the same name if it can distinguish them by their number and type of arguments. When a class has two or more than two methods which are having the same name but different types of order or number of parameters, it is known as method overloading. In fact, since the node class is private and thus can never be accessed outside of the tree class, they are guaranteed to be the same type. For example, the following functions are different in java. Type parameter has the same name as a type parameter of an enclosing type. In the following example, the square method includes a single parameter of type int named i. The signature of a method is not comprised of its return type nor its visibility nor the exceptions it may throw. Type parameter t has the same name as the type parameter from outer type.
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